Supporting Animal Charities In Northland & Beyond...

Our Goal... 

When we first launched on 5th of December 2022, our intention was to sell a bit of animal feed & hopefully have enough money left over at the end of the month, to give a bit of it to a much deserving, Northland based animal charity.

The only thing that has changed since then, is that we've expanded our delivery area to include Warkworth & Wellsford, so are now including animal charities from these areas too.

Every month, we donate a percentage of what YOU spend on our SPECIALS, to an animal charity. While our donations are currently very modest, we'd like to think that with YOUR HELP, we can eventually generate a reasonable revenue stream that can do some REAL GOOD in our communities & contribute to better animal welfare!  

We've also added a 'DONATION' option at Checkout so if you'd like to top up our monthly contribution, you can do so by adding a little extra here. 50c or $5.00; every donation counts. We all know from recent times what just ONE raindrop can start! ;-P 

How YOU can help...

  • Purchase Feed2U ***SPECIALS!!!*** 

  • Pop a contribution into the DONATION box at Checkout when you place an order.

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